''Instruments of Expression''
There are alot of instruments you can speak through, or communicate something through.
Film is one of them, photo is one, music is one, design is one and art is one.. and so are there alot more creative ways..
It is quite nice to blend those things together and make art! Even for commercial use you can do this! Skills combined...
I like to create uniqeness, innovation, something wise, something meaningful. Something Skillful!
Film is one of them, photo is one, music is one, design is one and art is one.. and so are there alot more creative ways..
It is quite nice to blend those things together and make art! Even for commercial use you can do this! Skills combined...
I like to create uniqeness, innovation, something wise, something meaningful. Something Skillful!
For His Glory paintings
1. reeks schilderijen, reeks liederen, reeks bijbelteksten
midst of the touble
Awake in 2021
Oneindige slaap
Repent (RI)
Repent (RI)